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    "Changing lives through education"

    “I would like to thank The Kates Foundation for their philanthropic services. The scholarships they offer have given me the opportunity to further my college education. I have a 4.0 GPA and plan to keep it.” —Inmate
    “Unlike in the past, there are dreams and goals to achieve that are possible because of the new critical thinking process this educational journey now instills in everyday life.” —Inmate
    “I know these classes are provided for educational purposes, but for an incarcerated individual they present so much more than just an education. They have rebuilt my character, my self-esteem, and confidence, and given my hope back. And that has me on the road to a better future.” —Inmate
    “I would like to personally thank every member of The Kates Foundation for all their efforts to educate women in prison. It is a fact that so many of us have always felt we just were not good enough, smart enough to do any better in life and that’s simply not the case. With a helping hand and a little hard work, anything is possible.” —Inmate
    The Elizabeth Kates Foundation from Mireille Heidbreder on Vimeo.


    Birdbath Build MAnual
    "Changing Lives Through Education"